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-have no money.

Budget - Amount of money available or needed for a specific use.

Cash-Coins or bank notes (not cheques); actual money paid, not credit.

cash dispenser-Automatic machine from which a bank customer can withdraw money.

Cashier-A person dealing with cash transactions in a bank, shop, etc.

cheque / check-





Advertising    abbr. advertisement - advert abbr

2. advertisement -item of publicity for a product or service, in magazine, on TV etc.

3. advertising agency -n. company specialising in producing and placing advertisements for clients.

4. AIDA -   -abbr. Attention, Interest, Desire, Action - the objective of all advertisements

5.benefit -n. advantage of a product or service, usually derived from its features

6.billboard-USn. signboard, usually outdoors, for advertising posters; hoardingUK

7.Circulation- n. average number of copies of a magazine sold in a particular period

8.classified ads-n. small advertisements in magazine or newspaper categorised by subject

9. commercial -n. paid advertisement on radio or TV

10. coupon -n. part of a printed advertisement used for ordering goods, samples etc

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